Cascadia New Church
Welcome to Cascadia New Church
Cascadia New Church invites you to connect with us for monthly Sunday worship and small group meetings throughout the year as a way to deepen our understanding and enrich our practice of loving the Lord our God and loving our neighbors. Although we are spread throughout the Pacific Northwest region of the US--in Washington and Oregon states, and the southern part of British Colombia--we are connected by a faith that is deeply spiritual and yet practical in daily living.
We meet virtually via Zoom and with in-person gatherings in Vancouver, B.C., Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR. We hope you join us for worship and connection. We are looking forward to gathering in person for an all-region retreat, July 19 - July 23, 2025.
To find out more or to receive our newsletter, please contact us.
Ten Commandment Series
This year we are trying something new. Each month, on the 1st Sunday, we will be holding a virtual worship service on one of the Ten Commandments. A monthly discussion group, children's program, and social hour will accompany those. Click here for more details.
“Charity is like warmth in springtime or summer that causes grass, plants, and trees to grow. Without charity, or spiritual warmth, nothing grows.”
~ Secrets of Heaven 1016, Emanuel Swedenborg