Cascadia New Church

Welcome to Cascadia New Church

Cascadia New Church invites you to connect with us for monthly Sunday worship and small group meetings throughout the year as a way to deepen our understanding and enrich our practice of loving the Lord our God and loving our neighbors. Although we are spread throughout the Pacific Northwest region of the US--in Washington and Oregon states, and the southern part of British Colombia--we are connected by a faith that is deeply spiritual and yet practical in daily living. 

We meet virtually via Zoom and with in-person gatherings in Vancouver, B.C., Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR. We hope you join us for worship and connection. We are looking forward to gathering in person for an all-region retreat, July 12 - July 16, 2024

To find out more or to receive our newsletter, please contact us

Upcoming Worship Service

Our next worship service will be on Sunday, June 23rd at 10:30 am PT - Rev. Jeremy Simons - Virtual only:  Zoom Link


To see the schedule for future worship services or to view videos of past worship services, go here. 


Most Recent Virtual Worship Services

On April 14, 2024, Rev. Mark Pendleton gave a sermon on "How Would You Summarize Your Experience of Life?" Of the sermon, he said:

"If you were asked—right now, today—to summarize your experience of life so far, how would you answer? What would you say? What words would you use? How would you describe your life in overview fashion? What has your overall experience of life been? And how will you summarize it in your final days and months here on earth? We read in the Scriptures and in the theology of the New Church that the Lord cares about us more than we can possibly know, that He is in charge of everything that happens, that He sees to it that everything in our lives works out in the end, that he controls all the bad stuff in life, and that because of these things we are fully safe in Him. But are these things really true?

To view other videos of past worship services, go here

“Charity is like warmth in springtime or summer that causes grass, plants, and trees to grow. Without charity, or spiritual warmth, nothing grows.”

~ Secrets of Heaven 1016, Emanuel Swedenborg